Cloud Code from
Today I tried Cloud Code from Parse. They have done a very good job to make it really easy to run applications on the their cloud. All I had to do is…
Create a subdomain for the parse application I wanted to use as backend.
Install their command line tool
curl -s | sudo /bin/bash
Create a first app
parse new Would you like to create a new app, or add Cloud Code to an existing app? Type "(n)ew" or "(e)xisting": e ...
Gotcha: On my first attempt I did not read this correctly and chose (n)ew. This resulted on my code being deployed on a new application, different from the application associated with the subdomain chosen above. A bunch of ‘Internal Server Errors’ later I found the problem.
Create a template app using Express js framework
parse generate ...
Edit the code under
parse deploy ...
Now you can create your customized APIs with minimal effort.
Written on November 27, 2015