Cloud Code from

Today I tried Cloud Code from Parse. They have done a very good job to make it really easy to run applications on the their cloud. All I had to do is…

  1. Create a subdomain for the parse application I wanted to use as backend.

  2. Install their command line tool

     curl -s | sudo /bin/bash
  3. Create a first app

     parse new
     Would you like to create a new app, or add Cloud Code to an existing app?
     Type "(n)ew" or "(e)xisting": e

    Gotcha: On my first attempt I did not read this correctly and chose (n)ew. This resulted on my code being deployed on a new application, different from the application associated with the subdomain chosen above. A bunch of ‘Internal Server Errors’ later I found the problem.

  4. Create a template app using Express js framework

     parse generate
  5. Edit the code under cloud/app.js

  6. Deploy

     parse deploy

Now you can create your customized APIs with minimal effort.

Written on November 27, 2015